Frequently Asked Questions

What dance styles do you offer at Sanura Dance?

We primarily offer Salsa and Bachata classes. We're also open to exploring other dance styles and dance-related activities in the future.

Who are your classes suitable for?

Our classes are currently designed for beginners. We're interested in gauging demand for higher-level classes, so feel free to let us know if you're interested in more advanced workshops.

Do you offer private lessons?

Yes, we do offer private lessons. Please contact us at for more information and booking.

What's the typical class size?

Our classes have a maximum capacity of 20-25 participants, depending on the studio. We prefer to keep our groups small to provide personalised feedback and ensure the best results for our students.

How long are the dance classes?

Our regular classes are 2 hours long.

What should I wear to class?

We recommend comfortable clothes and shoes. Dance shoes are welcome but not mandatory.

Do I need to bring a partner?

No, you don't need to bring a partner. We pair up participants during the class, and everyone dances with everyone. This approach ensures that all participants always have a partner to practice with.

What's your policy on switching between lead and follow roles?

We have a system in place that allows participants to switch roles during class practice. This approach helps everyone learn both leading and following.

Are there any age restrictions for your classes?

Yes, our classes are for participants aged 18 and above.

How much do classes cost?

Our current pricing is available on our events page at

What's your cancellation and refund policy?

We have a detailed cancellation and refund policy document available. Please contact us for more information.

Where are your classes held?

The location for each class is specified on our events page at

Is there parking available at the venue?

There is no private parking available at our venues.

Do you offer any special events or workshops outside of regular classes?

Yes, we occasionally offer one-off workshops exploring other dance styles.

How can I sign up for classes?

You can sign up for our classes by visiting our events page at

Do you have a loyalty program or referral system?

Currently, we do not have a loyalty program or referral system in place.

Can beginners join at any time, or do you have specific start dates for courses?

Our workshops are divided into level blocks. We usually offer Beginner levels 1 & 2, which can be purchased together or separately.

What makes Sanura Dance unique?

Sanura Dance offers the ultimate safe and empowering space for dance practice. We teach everyone to both lead and follow, without making assumptions based on appearance. Our core values are respect and freedom of expression.

Do you offer any online classes or resources?

Yes, we have recordings of our previous Beginner 1 & 2 workshops for both Salsa and Bachata available on our YouTube channel:

I can't make it to all the workshop classes, can I do a partial payment?

Unfortunately, at this stage we do not offer partial payments or drop-ins for our workshops.

I'm not queer, can I join?

Yes, if you identify as a Feminist, FLINTA, or LGBTQ+ individual. Sanura Dance is an inclusive safe space that prioritises the FLINTA community and welcomes Feminists and LGBTQ+ individuals.

We are the alternative to the traditional dance spaces where binary roles and other assumptions reign.

We believe in RESPECT and the celebration of individual uniqueness.

What is FLINTA?

As Wikipedia mentions, FLINTA is "used to create a safe space for people at events "who are patriarchally discriminated against based on their gender identity".


Do I need any equipment/dance gear?

It's a good practice to learn to use dance shoes, however it's not mandatory. Using comfortable clothing and shoes is enough to enjoy the experience.